Grand Rapids DUI lawyer

Most people charged with a DUI in Grand Rapids have no intention of harming anyone. They did not believe they were inebriated enough to drive, and they are certain that they would arrive home safely. In other circumstances, a person faces DUI accusations due to improperly calibrated or otherwise defective equipment, such as Breathalyzers. In some of these circumstances, a person may conduct roadside tests incorrectly assessed by law enforcement personnel, some of whom are simply looking for an excuse to make an arrest.


The prosecution in Grand Rapids has demonstrated that they will not understand any of these cases. They will vigorously prosecute these charges, which is why anyone charged should contact a Grand Rapids DUI lawyer as soon as possible.


While inebriated, operate.

This is by far the most common DUI offense in Grand Rapids and in the state of Michigan. The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were driving with a blood-alcohol level (BAC) of 0.08 percent or greater in some instances.


An OWI accusation is considered a misdemeanor for a first offense. There are possible consequences of up to 93 days in prison and 360 hours of community work. If you are convicted, you might face fines of up to $500 as well as hundreds of dollars in court expenses. You'll get a 30-day 'hard' suspension, which means you won't be able to drive at all, and your license will be suspended for up to 180 days.


Operating While Under the Influence of Alcohol

This is also described as being super drunk,' as it means your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was 0.17 or above, which is double the legal limit. Although this is still a misdemeanour, the consequences are significantly more severe.


Super drunkenness can result in up to 180 days in prison, 360 hours of community service, and fines of up to $700. The period of harsh suspension of your license has been increased to 45 days, and the period of limited license has been extended to one year. You must also put an ignition interlock device on your vehicle throughout this one-year term.


Operating While Impaired

Many people in Grand Rapids are startled to be charged with OWI even though their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) did not exceed the state's limit of 0.08. When drivers do not exceed the legal limit but are clearly intoxicated, they are charged with operating while impaired. This simply indicates that the motorist was less capable than a reasonable driver, but the consequences are just as severe. The maximum sentence of 93 days in prison and 360 hours of community service remains in effect; however, the fine has been reduced to $300. There is no automatic suspension of a driver's licence; however, convicted will have their license restricted for 90 days.


Have You Been Charged with a Drunk Driving Offense? Please contact one of our Grand Rapids DUI lawyers.

In Michigan, all DUI offenses are regarded very seriously. In addition to the consequences for convicted people, you may have difficulty finding work, housing, or even borrowing money. The only way to prevent these consequences is to hire a skilled Grand Rapids DUI lawyer. If you have been charged with a DUI, the Van Den Heuvel Law Office can assist you and provide you with the best opportunity of a good outcome. To learn more about how we can assist you with your case, call us immediately or email us.

Firm Details:

Van Den Heuvel Law Office


4920 Broadmoor SE Grand Rapids,

MI 49512, USA

Business Hours:

Monday- Friday :9.00-18.00

Saturday & Sunday :Closed


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